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Public Relations Specialist
About Me

About Me

I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, where I grew up in a multi-cultural home. Speaking Spanish and English helped me assimilate quickly when my family relocated to Guadalajara, Mexico, where I attended grade school.  I was able to learn a great deal about a new culture fairly young, but at a prime age where I could use that knowledge to appreciate the similarities and differences their culture had from my own.


Recently, I graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor of arts in communications and an emphasis in public relations. By combining my love of languages and public relations, I hope to work with different companies and publics, in and out, of the United States. I have a passion for world religions and different cultures, as well as immersing myself in them. My goal is to someday work alongside a charity as their media specialist, to ensure they meet their goals to help those in need.  


Work Experience

Work Experience

Media Specialist| Religious Studies Center

May 2016—September 2016, January 2017—May 2017

I conduct market research to better target an audience for the Religious Studies Center and its publications. Frequently, I correspond with authors to develop media kits and author kits. I create blogs and websites on behalf of different authors. I also redesigned the original RSC blog. I operate all the social media platforms for this publishing house. 

Social Media Manager| Latter-day Saints Publishing Professionals

August 2016—February 2017

For the conference I operated all the social media platforms for the conference including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn.  I also organized all the posts leading up to the event including designing all the promotional material for the event. 

Director of MarketingLatter-day Saints Publishing Professionals 

 September 2016—February 2017

As Director of Marketing I was given complete control over all the marketing efforts for this organization. I organize marketing efforts to boost membership and to promote our monthly Roundtable events with authors. Also, I attend monthly board meetings to discuss operations and access the needs of the non-profit organization.  



Brigham Young Univeristy | Provo, UT


Bachelor of Arts in Communications 

Public Relations emphais

Mountain View High School| Mesa, AZ


Scholastic Diploma

Graduated with Honors

Contact Me

Contact Me

Angela Lee
Tel:  480-352-7043

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